Article VI - Building, Driveway and Fence Location and Setbacks

All Phases-- No building shall be located on any lot nearer than seventy-five (75) feet to the front lot line; seventy-five (75) feet to the rear lot line; thirty (30) feet to a side lot line; or, nearer than thirty-five (35) feet to any side corner line.  For the purposes of this Article VI, eaves and steps shall not be considered as a part of a building; provided, however, that this shall not be construed to permit any portion of a building to encroach upon another site.  No driveway shall be located nearer than twenty-five (25) feet to an interior lot line, except a back-up turnaround pad may be located as near as fifteen (15) feet to a lot line.  No fence shall be located nearer to the front lot line than the rear of the primary building. 

Phase 1 only-- No dwellings shall be permitted to face the main entrance road on Lots 1 through 4 of Block C and Lots 1 through 3 of Block A.  Dwellings on the aforementioned lots shall face interior cul-de-sac streets to the left and right of the main entrance road.  A fifteen (15) foot natural buffer shall be maintained at the rear lot line of the aforementioned lots and no clearing, grading, improvement or removal of vegetation shall be allowed or permitted within the buffer area.  All other dwellings shall face the front lot line.

Phase 3 only-- A fifty (50) foot natural buffer shall be maintained at the rear of the lots adjacent to the lake (Block I, Lots 5-12 and 16-22) and no clearing, grading, improvement or removal of vegetation shall be allowed or permitted within the buffer area.

All Phases-- The Declarant, or its designated committee, may, in its sole discretion, grant variances to the restrictions provided for in this article.